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Marc Josse’s photographs straddle truth and fiction by combining real people and places. His work is often described as cinematic. He insists that his images suggest rather than elucidate a complete narrative inviting the observer to tell the rest. “For me, the best photographs always inspire curiosity, rather than satisfying it. I think this ambiguity is one of the most important aspects most exciting of this medium. A photograph is only a tiny fragment of an experience, but a precise, detailed and revealing fragment. And Even though it only provides small clues, the photographer tells us that these are very important clues” Over time, Marc explored multiple facets of photography. After several years working on personal projects that he presented in galleries, he left to live in Canada where he worked on social issues such as: FISH, QUEENS awarded at the NEW YORK PHOTO FESTIVAL, or even EASTIDE STORIES which received the prize of ANI at VISA POUR L’IMAGE.
Returning to France in 2011, he focused on his personal work exhibiting in France and abroad and at the same time responded to commissioned work for companies and institutions.
Since 2004, Marc JOSSE has been listed at ART PRICE in the International Artist category.

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